TILL the end

TILL the end

Monday, August 1, 2011

Drunk In Vegas

Rachel: Well, hello Mr. Rachel!!!
Ross: haha and hello Mrs. Ross!!!
In The Apartment.

Rachel: *picks up the phone* yes hello, Vegas? Yeah, we'd like some alchol. And you know what else we'd like? Some beers! Oh...I forgot to dial.
*They laugh*
*the doors knocks*
Ross: That must be our alchol and beers!
*Ross opens the door* 
Ross: Hey, its Joey! I love Joey!!
*Ross hugs Joey*
*Ross falls on the floor*
Ross: woah are you ok?
Joey: um...yeah?
*Joey looks at Rachel*
Joey: How you doin?
Rachel: I'm doing fine, Baby. How are you doing?
Joey: ah...Ross!! dont let her drink anymore!

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